No matter the age of the child in question, it is very important to us that students learn a musical instrument because they love it.
Whether it’s taken seriously or just for fun they must want to do well and, they should leave every lesson with a smile on their face feeling proud.
It’s also very important that lessons are adapted to suit each student’s personal stages of development and requirements. We have created several types of music games from card games to bouncing a ball outside to ensure they still learn and retain the essential information but they won’t find it tiring but entertaining.
These games are usually done at the end of the lesson after they have learnt new or touched up on their piano pieces and will often be related back to the music so students understand how to apply the skills they have learnt to learning the instrument.

Lesson Structures
Students are taught from the Alfred D’Auberg piano book when they first begin as well as spending some time towards the end of the lesson doing some writing, going over general knowledge, sight-reading or rhythms. The D’Auberg book teaches all the important notes and symbols step by step so upon the completion of the book students can either move onto piano exams or go up to the books’ next level.
Exams are not mandatory, students can go for them when they’re ready or not at all, it really just depends on them and what they’re comfortable aiming for. If students choose to go for exams we do not do AMEB but Guild, this allows the students to do all the necessary scales, sight-reading, general knowledge and List A studies but they can also choose a modern piece of their liking as long as it is approved. If students wish to do AMEB they can but for younger students we push to aim for ambitious standards in the lesson but a less stressful environment for exams.
Students in their own time will learn how to read music, how to sight read and how to write music theory.
"In my opinion if they learn to play it they also must learn how to recognise it and how to write it as well. NO STRESS, NO PRESSURE it clicks when it clicks!!!"" -Tamzyn